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CAA makes RAT mandatory for passengers arriving from European countries

In wake of the rising instances of omicron variation of the Covid,

 on the directions of the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), has made Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) of the explorers showing up in Pakistan from the European nations obligatory, Daily Times detailed.

Be that as it may, there is an unwinding in the standard on account of flights showing up from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the travelers of just 50% of departures from these nations should go through the test.
Simultaneously, the CAA has likewise made it necessary for the people who travel to Pakistan to go through PCR tests 48 hours prior to loading onto a flight. Essentially, Covid test has additionally been made necessary for travelers matured 15 or above.

 In the mean time, assuming that any traveler tests positive for the infection on landing in the air terminal, the individual in question should go through 10 days in isolation at a spot assigned by the public authority for the reason.

 Despite the fact that, assuming the traveler likes to isolation at a lodging or some other private spot, the person should bear its costs oneself. The new rule will be material from January 5.

