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The greenest videoconferencing solution in the world Sign up for free Arrow forward

Help us save the planet, one conversation at a time.

At Crewdle, we have fostered a one of a kind shared innovation that permits us to eliminate the servers that meddle in our virtual interchanges. ‍ Result?

 A stage that is genuinely secure and furthermore aware of the climate. click here to learn more More proximity

Streams as a rule travel huge spans. As a rule, regardless of whether we are not that far separated when conversing with our companions, our family or our collaborators, our stream as to venture out 10 to multiple times the distance isolating us. Servers are regularly situated in another nation, and at times even on the opposite side of the world.

with CREWDLE, peer to peer By connecting you directly with others, we can reduce the distance traveled by the streams that allow us to communicate. This leads to a connection that is more fluid, more performant and also better for our environment.

Video streaming servers are major polluters

Servers are responsible for almost all of the carbon emissions of our virtual communications. A unique experience Working completely inside your program, Crewdle offers an extremely straightforward arrangement. Nothing to download or introduce on your PC. The Crewdle versatile application is light and simple to utilize.

By eliminating the servers, the client experience is better. Less impedance and slacking. A superior nature of sound and picture. More reasonable business arrangements.

Notwithstanding its effortlessness, the nature of involvement and a positive effect on the climate, Crewdle offers an exceptionally protected and private climate. Security and protection Stages utilizing servers

In a video correspondence, all transfers are coordinated to the server which then, at that point, diverts them to the members. Despite the fact that the huge enterprises guarantee that their administrations are secure, they all work the same way: the streams are not scrambled when they are on their servers. They keep that in the fine print!

Finally. A video conferencing platform that is secure, simple and green, thanks to peer-to-peer technology
By eliminating the servers, the client experience is better. Less impedance and slacking. A superior nature of sound and picture. More reasonable business arrangements.

Notwithstanding its effortlessness, the nature of involvement and a positive effect on the climate, Crewdle offers an exceptionally protected and private climate. Security and protection Stages utilizing servers

In a video correspondence, all transfers are coordinated to the server which then, at that point, diverts them to the members. Despite the fact that the huge enterprises guarantee that their administrations are secure, they all work the same way: the streams are not scrambled when they are on their servers. They keep that in the fine print!

Finally. A video conferencing platform that is secure, simple and green, thanks to peer-to-peer technology

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